Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 14 of 21 - Ask and I'll give you the nations

Arise and Shine for the Glory of the Lord has risen among you. - Isaiah 60:1

I had a dream on January 8, 2013 of a bird.  I believe that bird represented me.  Before I had that dream, I would always picture myself three ways.  1) As a bird locked in a cage, never able to use the wings God gave me.  2) As a butterfly that had been transformed from a caterpillar but stuck inside a jar with a lid on top; never being able to use my new wings to fly. 3) As a fish stuck in a fishbowl.  Knowing, I was created to swim in the depths of God's word, but I was trapped in this fishbowl.

I know that God is going to use my life in ways I cannot even begin to comprehend.  I had a prophetic word given to me:  "If you ask me, I will give you the nations; all the people on earth will be yours."  Psalm 2:8 (NCV)

I had never even thought of asking for the nations before.  However, I would picture myself going to remotes parts of the world and loving God's people.  Holding orphans, playing with children and seeing people get saved, healed, delivered and set free.  That has ALWAYS been a part of my deepest desires and dreams.  But ya know, life happens...dreams fade...desires wane and you lose yourself in daily life.  You lose those things that used to get you so excited because your hope begins to defer and you get heartsick, so you stop dreaming big dreams.  When the Lord spoke His word to me thru the mouth of a prophet...It awakened something sleeping inside of me.  "Wow, Lord, you have called me to the nations.  You just told me to ask you for the nations.  I've never done that before." 

I sat at Heidi Baker's feet one time at a conference.  I looked into her eyes and saw the love of Jesus just radiating from her.  Every word she spoke was so heartfelt.  She loved her life in Africa.  She loved her orphans.  She embraced the radical call of God on her life with such zeal and relentlessness.  She told stories of how she and her orphans believed for multiplication and they would see it manifest.  She spoke of how when ministering to Muslims they began stoning her and the orphans; Holy Spirit told her to ask if anyone was deaf and wanted to hear?  God healed a Muslim man who came forward. It caused all the rocks to fall from the enemy's hands and radical salvations took place in the camp that day. These stories stirred my heart.  We were meant for so much more. 

At another conference my friend turned around and told me, "You're going to India!"  I laughed at her and said, "Alrighty then!"  I didn't have ANY desire whatsoever to go to India.  Since then, however, God has put a love in my heart for Indians.  I will never say never.  The Lord told me to ask for the nations. 

Another time, I was at a ladies' retreat with a bunch of church ladies and one of the women had an encounter with Holy Spirit.  She was literally speaking Chinese.  Although, none of knew the Chinese language, we all had a KNOWING, our friend was speaking that language.  When her encounter with the Lord was over, she looked at me and said to me, "You and I were singing together to the Chinese."  It's interesting when I pray in my prayer language; sometimes I feel like it's Chinese.

These are but a few of the instances in my life where something greater awaited me on the other side of using my wings to fly. I know why those three metaphors always spoke to me.  I was made for a great purpose and it was so much larger than me...it was so much grander than anything I could ever imagine.  Every season of our lives is vital...How we navigate through the various season, what we sow our time and energy into during those seasons is imperative to future harvests. 

For 20+ years, I was 'called' to be a mommy.  That was my primary destiny in life.  I dedicated myself to my children.  I sowed my life into them.  There was no greater calling in my life than to train them up in the ways of the Lord.  I fell seven times daily.  I would cry myself to sleep telling God to forgive me for blowing it so badly that day.  I continually poured myself out like wax as I interceded for my children's destinies, purposes, future spouses, etc. I truly lost myself during those early child-rearing years.  I stayed hidden in the Lord and it was what I was supposed to do.  I am so thankful and grateful that I was my children's primary source of influence during their imprinting ages.  I can look back and have no regret on how God guided me how to mother them.  Remember, I didn't have a mother.  I didn't know how to do this thing called 'parenting'...However, Holy Spirit, my counselor, friend, mentor, mother,father, all in all...spoke to my heart and would gently guide me and teach me how to love without conditions...how to nurture...how to teach....how to disciple...how to impart....how to be a Godly influence in their lives.  God placed Godly mother's into my life, as well.  I observed and was able to glean from their wisdom and experiences.  I had the experiences of life from my own childhood as a guide of 'what not to do.'  God has been so faithful to me.  My children are so amazing!  I am so truly blessed. 

As they grew chronologically, I began feeling that mandate to the nations once again.  Thus, the wings not being used.  The scales, fins, and deep water equipment never being tapped into caused me to really moan and groan for more of God's purpose to reach the nations. 
When I watched "Finding Nemo" with my kids, I could so relate to those oceanic fish trapped inside that stupid aquarium.  Nemo experienced the dangers of the wide-open ocean life and lost his entire family except Marlin.  Nonetheless, when their freedom was taken away from them, they'd rather have died trying to escape their aquatic prison than to live in bondage for the rest of their lives. 

So here was my dream:
Dreamt there was a colored-bird (rainbow) like a parrot or Conure in our livingroom upstairs.  Someone was trying to catch it, but it would freak out when that person would go near it.  It would smash itself against the ceiling/wall and fall.  It would get back up and try to get away from this person.  It kept freaking out when that person would try to catch it.  I told the person he was approaching the bird wrong.  I had been observing the person's approach and felt terrible for the poor bird.  I didn't want it to kill itself or get seriously injured.  The person thought I was wrong or that I couldn't approach the bird any better.  I knew I could catch the bird!  The person challenged me and said, "Then do it!" 

I began talking to the bird.  The person left the livingroom and went into the kitchen.  I spoke to the bird saying, "Calm down pretty bird."  The bird calmed down.  The bird began repeating what I spoke to it.  I began making kissing and whistling sounds and the bird repeated me.  The bird changed colors and species.  It became white and was a cockatoo.  I held my finger out and told it to come and perch on my finger.  It came and tried to land on my finger but was off balance from hitting the walls and ceiling.  It had become off balance from crashing and trying to escape that person.  I caught it and began holding it like a baby.  Everything I said to it, it repeated.  I rubbed the bird behind its head and it loved that.  I heard the person talking to another person on the phone in the kitchen.  The person was telling the story of how we now had a pet bird because I was able to tame it.  The person admitted they tried to catch the bird but couldn't.

The interpretation of the dream.  I am the bird.  Holy Spirit is me in the dream.  The bird was colorful (creative, artistic)...It kept seeking freedom from the four walls of the livingroom.  It was captured and fearful.  It kept trying to escape.  Everytime that person approached the bird (me), a fear, sense of dread, mistrust caused the bird to FREAK out and become OFF BALANCE.  It continually HURT itself trying to ESCAPE the person.  In the times that me (Holy Spirit) would speak to the bird (me), it would calm down.  Holy Spirit would say, "calm down. You're a pretty bird."  I would repeat what Holy Spirit spoke to me and I would calm down.  As Holy Spirit made kissing sounds...they were kissing sounds of peace, love, protection, comfort. (Romans 16:16, 1 Corinthians 16:20, 2 Corinthians 13:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:26, 1 Peter 5:14).  I repeated those sounds back...in agreement that I was covered in perfect peace. 

God was whistling over me.  It calmed my spirit.  I felt safe. He was redeeming me; restoring me. "I will whistle for them to gather them together, For I have redeemed them; And they will be as numerous as they were before.( Zechariah 10:8)

He will also lift up a standard to the distant nation, And will whistle for it from the ends of the earth; And behold, it will come with speed swiftly. (Isaiah 5:26)

Notice as the colorful bird calmed down and was covered in the peace of God, it turned into a new creation.  It was no longer a colorful Conure, but now a white Cockatoo

 Holy Spirit ascended upon Jesus in the form of a WHITE dove.  (Matthew 3:16)

The white represents: peaceful, calming, soothing, redeemed, cleansed, purified (White as snow -white as wool - Isaiah 1:18).  Holy Spirit comforted my spirit.  Holy Spirit spoke, I repeated...comforting a friend; I became content and teachable. I was a little off balance from the traumas suffered prior, but I eventually regained my composure through the gentle encouragement of Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit is to be to us today what Jesus was to His disciples, Jesus taught them, "This is the way you should go."when they deviated from that way, He said, "Stop! Woe be unto them.  Satan, get off them!"

Jesus said to His disciples, “Stumbling blocks [temptations and traps set to lure one to sin] are sure to come, but woe (judgment is coming) to him through whom they come! Luke 17:1 (AMP)

This bird felt trapped and the person trying to catch it became a stumbling block to the bird.  The person didn't believe in Holy Spirit's ability to transform and peacefully calm the bird down.  The person didn't believe and walked away from the situation.  It was then Holy Spirit had his way to move onto the scene and draw near with peace and comfort and grace.

Jesus said to them, "You faithless people! How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me." (Mark 9:19)

Just as the disciples tried to set the boy free, they had no authority, no power, they didn't believe.  After Jesus rebuked them for their unbelief, He showed the disciples how it's done...He set the boy free!

Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns." (Matthew 16:23)

Notice how Jesus, address the spirit operating through Peter...YOU ARE A STUMBLING BLOCK TO ME!  Peter was walking in his flesh and spoke accordingly.  Holy Spirit corrects us by gently convicting our hearts the same way as Jesus spoke the truth to the masses.  Holy Spirit opens our eyes and spirit-man to listen and obey...He leads us, guides us, directs us, and as we repeat what Holy Spirit speaks to us, we begin to become a new creation; completely transformed.

Kingdom of God come
God pour out Your Glory
Pour out Your POWER
Opens Doors of Utterance of
Great & Mighty Influence
Divine Favor

Be yielded in prayer and in speaking to the people of the Lord.  If we will yield ourselves to Holy Spirit, God will turn Heaven and Earth upside down to answer our cries and prayers.

5'As for the promise which I made you when you came out of Egypt, My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!' 6"For thus says the LORD of hosts, 'Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. 7'I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the LORD of hosts.  Haggai 2:5-7

Holy Spirit had set the off-balanced bird free of anxiety, trauma, stress, self-woundedness, self-affliction of pain...Whom the son sets free is FREE indeed. (John 8:36)

On January 18, 2014, a friend had a word for me.  I believe it confirmed this dream I had about me being the bird.  She said, You are an unusual Songbird.  You are a Songbird!  Not just a bird, but a bird with many colors.  Blue on your wings with a white stripe on it and a purplish head.  You are of an UNUSUAL kind; not of the usual. 

Haha, she didn't even know I had a dream about a colorful bird. 

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