Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wisdom to Me

Wisdom to Me

Many things come to mind when I say the word, “wisdom”.  Hmm…First thing that comes to mind is ‘Wisdom Teeth’…I think of an owl ‘wise old owl.’  I think of an elderly couple who have been married 50 plus years and have weathered many storms in their lives.  So what is wisdom to me?

Wisdom to me is going against the grain of sand.  It’s like a picture of the salmon swimming upstream instead of flowing with the current.  It’s being one who is willing to stand alone when you believe you are doing what is just and what is right, looking around, no one is left standing with you. 

Wisdom to me is standing up for what you believe is right and just even when everyone else’s opinion tells you something different.  Wisdom is pondering instead of speaking; Praying instead of reacting to a crisis.  Wisdom finds the good in every situation, knowing that God works all things out for His glory.  Wisdom tries to see the future, present, and past all in one glance and learns from each experience whether good or bad.  Wisdom takes mistakes and uses them to avoid future pitfalls. 

Wisdom to me is Esther, whom set out to be the best maiden she could be.  She asked for advice, listened to counsel, sought out ways to win the affection of the king.  She looked for the best in her dire situation and found a way to make the ugly into something beautiful.  She sought to get to know this pagan king by finding secrets to pleasing his heart.  In discovering the treasures of his heart, she fell in love with him.  Her meekness and devotion to her king and the King of Kings saved an entire race of people.

Wisdom to me is Joseph.  He forgave over and over again instead of seeking out vengeance.  He ran to His God instead of away from him.  He let the spirit of forgiveness wash over him and did not let unforgiveness take root in his heart.  Betrayal, accusation, and imprisonment did not keep him from being the best he could be in each of those situations.  The bitter became sweet and transformed into his training ground for ruling and reigning in authority over a nation.  His forgiving, kind heart saved the very ones who sought to murder him.

Wisdom to me is Paul and Silas who in the darkest hour, imprisoned, praised and prayed till they got the attention of heaven.  Heaven touched down and angels were dispatched to free them.  Praying and thanking the King of Glory even in the most hopeless of circumstances will indeed bring freedom.  Not only did they walk in freedom, but every prisoner alongside them had the opportunity to experience prison doors opening.  Touching the heart of the Father through praise and worship while wearing shackles brings a freedom that changes and shifts the atmosphere so much so other prisoners in your sphere can break free alongside of you.

Wisdom to me loves unconditionally…Loving the unlovable.  Loving your enemy, loving your persecutors, accusers.  Loving those who bring the most pain into your life.  Loving unconditionally the way that Jesus loves me.  I was unlovable to a Holy God.  I was His enemy.  I accused him of being unloving and uncaring.  I persecuted him when I blatantly ignored him and made fun of His children.  I brought so much pain into His life, that I caused nails to pierce His hands and feet and a crown of thorns to gouge into his head.  How could I ever exalt myself above the unlovable?  Even though it feels like the ones who put me in shackles and chains do not deserve my love and forgiveness, wisdom says, love and forgive anyways.  Why?  Because Love covers ALL.  Love will never fail.  It will always win.  Sure, love is certainly LONG SUFFERING.  It has to BEAR ALL things.  It doesn’t keep a RECORD of every evil intention towards me. 

Wisdom tells me that while I was yet in sin, Jesus died for me.  He loved me while I was nailing Him onto the cross.  If I am made in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit’s image, then I must see their reflection inside of me.  Jesus is LOVE.  God is LOVE.  Holy Spirit is Love.  I must love.  I must not give up on loving the unlovable.  I must not give up on my enemies.  Love allows my enemy to hurt me and I forgive.  Love allows me to look past their actions and see a heart that is broken and hurting; a heart that desperately needs to find their true identity in the one who has purchased my life.  I must have compassion on my enemy and know that my prayers for them will avail much.  I must know that my words and declarations can change stony hearts into hearts of flesh. 

Wisdom tells me that just as Christ will never forsake me, never leave me, and never abandon me.  I must be that to enemies of God and enemies to me.  I am thankful that Christ loves me for all eternity.  I am so thankful that His love will never run out on me.  I am thankful for His undeserving, unmerited grace.  I must let Christ rule and reign in me and I must extend undeserving, unmerited grace to others. 

Wisdom tells me that He holds my life in His hands

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